III Art Biennial Encontrarte, Amares .portugal.
artist invited by Artur Ruivo
A Morte da Verdade: Um Tempo Sem História, 2013
Art installtion produced in loco. Black rubber and metal washers, variable dimensions.
Esta intervenção foi desenvolvida em resposta ao convite lançado por Artur Ruivo, curador da 3ª Edição da Bienal de Amares. A obra desenvolve-se numa das salas de um edifício degradado que outrora albergara uma antiga Farmácia, localizada no centro da Vila. Saber e ciência, estruturas inabaláveis num contexto agora em decadência, em contraste com a estrutura frágil e adaptável de um corpo efémero. Um tempo sem história cede lugar a uma história com tempo, matéria espaço. O último revela-se como estrutura desse corpo, gerando uma certa organização espacial, ainda que passageira.

This intervention was developed in response to the invitation issued by Artur Ruivo, curator of the 3rd Edition of the Biennial of Amares. The work takes place in one of the rooms of a dilapidated building that had once housed an old pharmacy, located in the center of the village. Knowledge and science, unshakable structures in a context now in decline, in contrast to the fragile and adaptable structure of an ephemeral body. A time without history gives way to a history with time, space and matter. The latter reveals itself as the structure of this body, generating a certain spatial organization, albeit a temporary one.


Work around logic constructions, allows me consider and reflect about specific space conditions and potentials, with the purpose to build three-dimensional bodies. Take, read and think the space in order to create a sculpture that lives -and somehow belongs to- each space, without this prevents the existence in many other contexts. In this adaptation process, the material is like a "plastic" line, used as basic essay component that is able to create organic forms: a tridimensional drawing that it's continuously adaptable through different places. In this concept, it has been exploring such issues to build a body that are no longer static, closed or permanent. Other types of materials, especially those that don't have a very long life, make the connection between the logic physical construction and its own matter, time and space works in parallel, in order to stimulate chaos, new and changes. The conceptual and operational triangle between drawing, space and material, reflect the connection system that allows this local interventions. Thus, allows to experience the time effects in the sculptures, their linear structures and the spaces they inhabit. 
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